Which Retreat Is For Me
The themes of our retreats at Tiratanaloka cover the essential principles on which the Triratna Buddhist Order is based. Most of the retreats programmes are centred on study of relevant material in groups and it’s important to prepare in advance to get the most out of the experience of being at Tiratanaloka.
If you haven’t been on retreat with us before, we suggest you have a look at our handbook. To help you get the most from your time here it is necessary that you have been on a ten day or two week long retreats at another Triratna retreat centre, with one of them preferably being at Taraloka (unless you live abroad). Please discuss the programme with local Order Members, so that you can choose a retreat that will suit you. When you come here, we’ll be able to help you to decide how to continue your training with us.
Some retreats are for those who have been on several retreats here before.