Born in Stockholm in 1967, I was raised in Germany. My parents lived in Sweden for a few years and from very early on, traveling, discovering the world, going to unknown places has been of great attraction. I was always adventurous and considered "setting out" to be the measure of all things. However, after each departure, I felt the unease of already knowing the place I had now reached. So I remained restless and never felt fully satisfied. The longing remained.
Another strong conditioning is being an heir of the Holocaust and the disaster of the Second World War. I think our generation was quite disillusioned and cynical. Yet there was a strong longing to find a way of connecting on harmonious terms with all life.
In 2009, during a serious illness, I encountered the Dharma. Crisis and insecurity enabled me to overcome my anti-spiritual, cynical attitude and to set out on the true adventure: to get to know, tame and liberate mind and heart, together with others. And thus, to change the world. The Dharma fascinates me by its radicality, immensity and beauty – that leads to places previously unknown, such as stillness, magic, devotion and deep friendship. Places that go far beyond myself.
I loved engaging with the Berlin Sangha from the very first day and my love for it never ceased, through all sorts of learnings.
I was ordained in 2018 on the three month retreat at Akashavana by Prasadavati. Beginning 2020, together with five other Buddhists, we started the first Triratna women’s community in Berlin. In 2022 I became an Anagarika. In July 2023 I joined the team at Tiratanaloka.
I feel extremely fortunate to live, learn and practice in this context, deeply devoted to our teacher Sangharakshita and to the lineage of women that enables the practice to flourish. Especially now that Tiratanaloka itself is setting out to new adventures, it seems timely and is very exciting to have a bigger and more international team.