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I arrived at Tiratanaloka in March 2015 after being invited to come and live and work here. On my Ordination retreat, I felt very strongly that being ordained was the most important thing I was doing with my life. I wanted to support others in their journey towards ordination, believing it would greatly benefit the world. Six years later, I still hold this conviction deeply. I was ordained in 2009.

I became the Chair of Tiratanaloka on May 19th, 2022. I very much enjoy being on retreat and studying the Dharma with other women in all its forms, including meditation, the Going for Refuge, and Prostration Practice.

Before coming to Tiratanaloka, I was actively involved with the Colchester Buddhist Centre, where I found the Dharma around the age of 24 in 2000. In Colchester, I led classes, facilitated Mitra Study, and a Young Person's Group, and served as a Trustee.

My background prior to living and working here was in mental health in Colchester. I worked for the NHS in Secondary Mental Health for fifteen years after training as an occupational therapist in 2004. I thoroughly enjoyed my role, and helping and working with people is something very important to me.
