Online Order seminar - what is effective Going for Refuge?

The first online Order seminar offered by the Tiratanaloka team will explore the area of how to assess effective Going for Refuge to the three Jewels. As someone gets close to being ready to join the Order, all the Order members around them will be engaged in the work of reaching consensus as to when that happens. We will look at what this means for us both individually and collectively.
There will be a short presentation, time to share our experiences, and smaller groups to discuss the issues and try out a role play of giving feedback.

This is the first of 3 online Order seminars on consecutive days and we are offering them on a dana basis.  As we're facing long-term closure at Tiratanaloka, we'd like to ask you to donate what you can.  

The seminars will happen from 10.30 until 1pm on each of the three days.

Order members only
Friday, July 24, 2020
Suggested Donation: 

We're suggesting an amount of £35 per seminar, but please feel free to donate as much or as little as you want.  If you're booking on all 3 days, then you can just make a single payment for all of them when making the first booking, but please do book online for all those you wish to attend.

Enter the amount you wish to donate for this event below.

This retreat is now fully booked. Please contact us to be added to the waiting list.